In what manner did I stumble across this discovery? Simply to save my mother any more rolling of her eyes, I plead the fifth. Anyhow, my discovery sparked a creative inspiration that has been swishing for the past 6 years.
Pure water's color is a pale blue. Small amounts of water appear transparent. The larger the body of water, the easier it is to see water's true blue color. Depending on the atmospheric conditions and other factors, water's color can vary from a dull blue to a vibrant blue. Lately, I have been attracted to the color blue and its hues. This is one of the driving forces behind me finally undertaking this project, not to mention the fact that I love water. Quite frankly (and again, spare my mother the details), I'm addicted to the stuff!
The first step was to find the right container to house my water works. I was picky with this because I have been sitting on an ingrained envisage for years. I needed to fulfill my vision. For the first time ever, Michael's hobby shop failed me. I always checked the glassware isle during my frequent visits, and not once did I find what I was looking for. Just as I was getting desperate, The Container Store stepped in to save the day. Blue food coloring was easy to find. Water - even easier.
Now, finally fully equipped, it took me about an hour to complete my project. During the process I got side tracked at the beauty of a singular drop of food coloring in still water.
I also discovered that the water's temperature changes the way the coloring disperses itself. For those of you more savvy than I with cameras and editing, feast yourself (and share with me your results :-).
I also discovered that the water's temperature changes the way the coloring disperses itself. For those of you more savvy than I with cameras and editing, feast yourself (and share with me your results :-).
I hope you enjoyed. Part II is in the works...
Pablo! Inspiring post. Keep 'em coming. GG