The white line is unpainted canvas and the only uninterrupted object. The blue ellipse was created with the method I documented in my first post. The yellow circle is that of the inner ring of the masking tape. I used a compass to create the green equilateral triangle. All of these are true colors except for the red square, which I achieved by mixing the orange with magenta. The last layer to be painted was the black negative space.
My second piece was initially inspired by PERMANENT DUSK. I liked the concept of having a horizon split the piece into two very different, yet related, scenes. My secondary inspiration is a picture I took while traveling through Arizona:
My piece ended up being more simple and surreal:
I was so content with how the blue of the sky came out, I decided to skip the clouds. Similar to the sky, for the land I used a technique of fading in color on approach of the horizon. I continued to use my tape method for the lines of the road. All the while I painted, I enjoyed contemplating this composition's metaphorical implications. I will let you come up with your own, but please do share!
I am decently proud of my final works. Pablo would be too.